The Little Hero

Last night our family watched a short video that my kid’s thought was hilarious.


After the laughs my wife told our family a story.

When Kayden (our oldest) was 6 or 7 years old, a girl at school had an accident.

She didn’t quite make it to the bathroom and the other kid’s were making fun of her.

When one of the kid’s told Kayden, what had happened, he said, in front of everyone..

“So what, who cares.” 

Later on that day the little girl’s mom came up to my wife and said..

“I am so thankful for your son and what he said about what happened in front of those kid’s because it made a huge difference in for my daughter.”

Heroism can come from the smallest of people and the shortest of sentences.

In this case, it was just 4 simple words that made the difference.

Way to go Kayden.  I’m proud of you son.
