9 More KILLER Facebook Tips From Sandy Krakowski

9 More KILLER Facebook Tips From Sandy Krakowski

Hey there my friend thanks so much for stopping by my blog today.

I’m SUPER pumped about the value you’re going to get from this post, specially if you’re serious about mastering Facebook marketing.

As you may know if you’ve been following my blog, I recently started plugging into some really good training from a lady named Sandi Krakowski.

She’s a social media rockstar, who’s built a $20 million dollar empire online.

You can check this post out for some of the original tips I got from going through her course.

Well I’m still studying and today I want to share with you

….nine more killer Facebook tips from Sandy Krakowski.

Are you ready?

Here they come.

Tip #1 – Master one form of social media to begin with

Now if your student of The Laws Of Success, this one should make perfect sense.

Law of success number 11 as outlined by Napoleon Hill is  – concentration.

If your energy is focused on too many different things at the same time, it’s hard to make very much headway.

Sandy says learn how to master just ONE form of social media, before moving on to others.

Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, obviously three of the top three choices.

I’m choosing Facebook because according to Sandy, one out of seven people on planet earth are on Facebook every day.

Tip #2 – Don’t put yourself in a box / niche

This one was a really great tip and very refreshing for me to hear from Sandi.

I’ve made the vast majority of my money in-home business.

However, every time I try to brand myself as a network marketing expert or lead generation expert,

(even though I’ve been blessed to have made lots of money and have great success), it always feels like I’m putting myself in a box and that somehow I’m bigger on the inside then that.

You know what I mean?

So here’s what Sandi said.

She said do not force yourself into one specific niche market.

This seems to be contrary advice from what you’ll hear from most marketers that tell you to focus on one target market.

Here’s what Sandi said.

She said if you put 100,000 people in a room, I guarantee 30 to 40,000 of them will be interested in health, and money, and a host of a bunch of other things.

So the idea is to build yourself up as a trusted authority for a lot of people, and then you can market whatever you want to market to those groups of people.

Yes of course including your home-based business, if that’s something you want to do.

Tip #3 – Target Age groups of men and women that Facebook says is most viral.  18-45

Now here’s another great tip if you’re doing any sort of Facebook ads which I have been doing.

Click here for an article on some of my biggest takeaways from my first month of paid Facebook advertising.

When starting with Facebook Ads, One of the first things that you have to learn how to do – is target different age groups.

What age groups should you target?

Such a great question.

And when you’re just getting started, one that seems to have no easy answer. 

Sandi k to the rescue.

She said what you want to do is target the ages of people that, according to Facebook, are the most active and viral on the platform.


Because a big part of the power of Facebook, is in the viral exposure you get when people interact with your posts.

So doesn’t make sense to target the ages of people who are most active on Facebook?

I think so. 

So Sandi said according to the Facebook statistics, 24 to 45 is the most active group on Facebook.

So with your paid advertising it seems to make sense to target those ages.

Tip #4 – Do NOT Neglect Posting Daily On your Fan Page. 

Now here’s a big one. I’ve been doing paid ads and learning from people who have made a lot of money doing paid ads.

And of course you can get leads and make money doing only paid ads without sharing content on your page.

In one of the courses I went through, Sandy took me behind the scenes and showed me her traffic from her Facebook page.

Here’s what blew me away.

If you can imagine her traffic being represented by a Mountain.

The paid traffic was the very tip of the mountain, and the organic traffic was the bulk of the entire mountain.

This taught me that not taking my daily content posting on my page seriously, could be a very big mistake.

Here’s the content map she shared as to what you should be doing on your daily posting.


Tip #5 – Sandwich your business offer post between two highly engaged posts.

Here’s just a quick tip, for when you do make business and product related posts (which should be only About 10% of the time) 

Sandy said that she found, that if she was going to make a sales post.

If she sandwiched that sales post between two highly engaging posts, she got a lot more traffic to that sells link.

Tip #6 – Videos are hands-down the most engaging.

In your daily posting, you want to make sure to post videos.

She said that videos are hands-down, by far, no question the most engaging type of content you can post on your fan page.

Great thing to know right?

Tip #7 – Don’t freak out when people unlike your page.

She also showed us a free tool that you can use to analyze what’s happening on your page.

It’s called sprout social.

Inside her analytics account it showed that she had like 17,000 people unlike her page out of the million or so that are on there.

She pointed out not to freak out when people unlike your page.

After all you don’t want people following you that don’t resonate with you right?

That was comforting 😉

Tip #8 – The More frequently you post the more organic Traffic you’re going to get.

Now here’s another tip that flew right in the face of what I previously thought to be true about social media.

On my personal profile, I would always refrain from making lots of posts, because it seemed like if I only made one or two really good posts, my engagement was crazy high,

And if I made lots of posts, the engagement on each of those post was minimal.

What Sandy said is for your Facebook page you want to be posting 7 to 10 times per day.

The more you post the more organic interaction and Viral free traffic you’re going to get she said.  

She also pointed out that most people are on Facebook for only like 7 minutes at a time – at various points through out the day.. another reason you want to be posting regularly – If you don’t you’re stuff will be buried in their newsfeed when they do get on there. 

Tip #9 – Be  motivational, inspirational, & Uplifting with your posts 

So what type of content to be posting on your page?

What she shared here was really good news to me.

She said people want to be uplifted, motivated, inspired.

In other words they want your light shining in their lives on a daily basis and as much as possible.

If you can be motivational inspirational uplifting encouraging, your golden on your Facebook page.

Sandy said people love that type of stuff.

So there you have nine more killer tips from Sandy K’s training that I’ve been going through.

Tip #1 – Master one form of social media to begin with

Tip #2 – Don’t put yourself in a box / niche

Tip #3 – Target Age groups of men and women that Facebook says is most viral.  18-45

Tip #4 – Do NOT Neglect Posting Daily On your Fan Page. 

Tip #5 – Sandwich your business offer post between two highly engaged posts.

Tip #6 – Videos are hands-down the most engaging.

Tip #7 – Don’t freak out when people unlike your page.

Tip #8 – The More frequently you post the more organic Traffic you’re going to get.

Tip #9 – Be  motivational, inspirational, & Uplifting with your posts 

Did these tips help you?

Would love to hear your comments down below.

2 thoughts on “9 More KILLER Facebook Tips From Sandy Krakowski”

    • Thanks Nicole.. appreciate that so much… Love working with you and watching you grow… also – LOVE LOVE LOVE your commitment, dedication and persistence… you’re passing the test. (have you got to that part in the book yet?)


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