El Benbo’s Words For Wealth

Recently, my partner and I have been learning from a great copywriter named Ben Settle.

If you want to get some ideas for clever headlines and model some good email marketing, you can subscribe to his list here.

One tip my partner picked up from him and passed along to me is the following gem…

“Play to win, don’t play not to lose.”  

What if I send an email and someone unsubscribes?

Not sending that email is playing not to lose.

It’s catering to the people who probably would never buy from you anyway.

Sending the email is playing to win.

It’s realizing that someone unsubscribing is a good thing for a whole slew of reasons.

It allows you to strengthen your message and speak to the people who are supposed to hear and love your message vs. watering it down for the ones who aren’t.

This advice plays into all aspects of successful business.

In our book of the month You Were Born Rich, by Bob Proctor, there’s an entire chapter called “The Risk Takers.”

The sum and substance of the chapter is that to win, some risk is necessary.

Fortunately, we can manage that risk and we can take actions that aren’t unwise or irresponsible.

Still, stepping out in faith is a requirement for winning.

Fortune Favors The Bold!

Play to win, don’t play not to lose.

Very wise words for wealth from Ben Settle (AKA “El Benbo”)

2 thoughts on “El Benbo’s Words For Wealth”

  1. I love this blog post! Brene Brown talks about people who are whole-hearted. She talks about people who are vulnerable. Courageous actually comes from the french word, coeur, which means, heart! If you charge forth with your whole heart, with your whole self, wide open, open to attack (the definition of vulnerable), you take risks, there are BIG payoffs! When we stay small and closed and comfortable, nothing new happens! Thanks for sharing!!!

    • Thanks so much Heather! I LOVE THIS COMMENT! 🙂 Whole-hearted – Wow – i love and resonate with that concept… I had no idea that courageous comes from the word heart… and Whole self open to attack (vulnerable) WOW! Thank you so much for the added diamonds of insight. You rock!


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