Haters Gonna Hate

I got an email from a subscriber last week who told me he enjoys much of the content I put out but that my business model just won’t work.

Then he proceeded to tell me why.

  1. The dream in network marketing is walk-away residual income and he doesn’t see that being offered through my model
  2. We are selling ‘Theory’ or ‘information’ and people don’t buy that.
  3. Billion dollar companies sell physical products because that’s what people buy.

This was a great email criticizing my business model because it gave me a chance to mind-spank it all down with accurate thought and continue along my merry freedom crusading way.

  • Regarding walk away residual income in network marketing…

I’ve been in or around network marketing since 2005 and guess how many leaders I know who have built walk-away residual income?

Maybe I just don’t know enough people but I’ve been on some pretty high-level inner circles and to the top of 2 network marketing companies.

You would think that in all my years and through all the people I’ve met, uplines, sidelines, downlines & company owners I would have met at least 1 person who had built a walk away residual income and was living it up on a beach somewhere but nope.

Not even 1.  Nada.  Zip, zilch…

This is not a criticism of network marketing by the way.

It’s just my experience of over a decade in this profession that tells me that walkway residual income in network marketing is something that is far less of a reality than it is something people use to get others to join or buy.

I could be totally wrong – (my experience only).

None of my former upline leaders are enjoying walk away residual income.

One of them was earning a million dollars a year at one point, and it all came crashing down when the company messed it up.

Right now he’s selling medical devices.

I think it’s much more healthy to look at residual income in both network marketing and affiliate marketing as active income with residual aspects & benefits than it is to call it walkaway income.

My personal strategy is to build income (including residual) in business that is sizeable and within my own control (as much as possible) and then convert that income to income producing assets like real estate which, for me, has been the closest thing to walk away income I’ve experienced.

I think building anything in home business where you’re waiting for some future payday to make all your efforts worthwhile is just not wise.

Sell something that makes your efforts worthwhile now – while you’re building that bigger and better future.

This is made possible by

a) Focusing entirely on selling information products or
b) selling info products alongside whatever else it is your selling in network marketing.

  • What I teach is ‘theory’?  

Theory, in my mind, would be teaching from someone who has not used that teaching to produce results…

I’ve used what I teach to…

  • Become job free and stay that way since 2009
  • Personally sponsor well over 1,293 customers & reps 100% from home using the internet (I stopped counting some time ago)
  • Become a top earner and leadership council member in my last 2 network marketing companies.
  • Train thousands of home business owners and help to develop some of the highest paid earners in the home business profession.  (at least 2 of my former downline members have each earned well over 1 million dollars from home and in one team I built we had 14 six-figure earners)
  • Build my first 6 figure income 2011, experience my first $20K + month in 2012 & have my biggest grossing sales day $14,500 in July of 2017.

Would you call the information that produced those results ‘theory‘?

  • Billion dollar companies sell physical products 

First off, I’m not looking to build a billion dollar company so that phrase doesn’t hold much weight with me because it’s not my goal.

I’m more concerned with helping people who want to – build a significant income from home in ways that are do-able and realistic.

But saying that information products are products people don’t buy and/or aren’t products you can make money from is laughable to me.

Look at colleges and universities – what do they sell?


Agora Financial is an online publishing company selling information (much of it online) relating to financial advice and they have an estimated yearly revenue of 41 million dollars per year

Look at some of the top companies today such as google and facebook and what have they made their fortunes with – mostly information.

On top of that, we’ve already sold hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of our products through our business model and paid most of that back out in commissions so while you may tell me my model won’t work – it’s actually working each and every day of the week!

The world is changing and many wise souls refer to the time in which we’re living as The Information Age.

You can criticize it and be left behind or get on board and learn to profit from the tremendous wave of opportunity it brings along with it.

The choice is ours.

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