When Home Business Hurts

I was chatting with a friend the other day about his experience in home business and he told me the following…

‘I totally buy into that there’s no legitimate get rich businesses out there and that hard work is required. I found myself pursuing these things and lost a lot of credibility with my friends and even my wife. In the end, the price was too high. And I realized that I’m not the charismatic leader that it seems a lot of those successful in MLM often are. I’m more of a low key quiet person’

He also said…

‘Got so burned out emotionally from going through high hopes to realizing my limitations to failure. And then spending so much money over the years… Just tired of the hype and false promises etc…(not that you did that). But, yeah, it would take something very different and promising to get me to move on that stuff anymore…’

What’s the lesson here? 

There are real reasons that people get turned off by the home business profession.

These reasons are the elephant in the room and if you don’t have good answers for them when your prospects bring them up – it will be hard for both you and them to move forward.

I know I don’t have all the answers but I do know that giving up on my dreams and giving up on people is not an option I want to entertain.

That’s why I’ve been on a quest to uncover the lies, myths and half-truths in the home business profession and do my best to be the change I wish to see in the world to strive to provide solutions for myself and others.

Yes, there are problems in network marketing and affiliate marketing.

But I believe, for every problem – there’s a solution.

And that gives me hope, to keep moving forward.

I hope it does for you too.

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