Dr. Strange God (Part 2)

Yesterday I wrote an email about some versus of Scripture in Genesis 35 of The Old Testament. Here’s a link to the email, in case you missed it. Here’s a picture of the versus I referenced. Anyway, one of the potential meanings of ‘strange God‘, I highlighted in my email, was how strange it’s seemed …

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Notes On God

Last week, I received a touching, heartfelt & personal email from a friend & subscriber, who was confiding in me, some perceived challenges, around faith & being able to feel the love of God. This is an audio recording of that video, minus the private info that was shared with me.

A Tale Of 2 Workers

“Competent people are starving for competent people.” It doesn’t matter whether you’re building business from home, operating a cleaning company or hiring yourself out for “Side hustle” jobs on the fly. There is one simple thing you can do to secure prosperity today, and prosperity in the future. This little clip makes that simple thing abundantly clear, and even though it’s clear, odd are, it will continue to shock the senses, as to how few people actually listen and apply.