It’s Bull Shi&*, Don’t Fall For It

I was listening to an audio the other day and the speaker expressed an idea I’ve heard tossed around from time to time in the marketing space.

The idea is that you should have an ever increasing funnel with higher and higher packages for people to buy.

Specifically, this speaker said – “If you don’t get people to a live event where you can sell them $25,000 to $50,000 packages, you’re leaving money on the table.

The idea people come away with is that they have to invent things to sell to people with higher and higher price tags ad infinitum.

I say, Bull Shi&*!

You may be leaving money on the table but is money really all there is to life?

How about the idea of helping someone with something they need and starting from there vs. starting from the package price and working backward?

Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against high price tags, as long as the value is there and the client get’s more back than they spend in dollars.

But all too often, this turns out not be the case – especially in the home business space.

My mission is to help people be financially free.

That means to me, that anything I sell has to put more back towards their freedom than it takes out of their bank account.

If it doesn’t do that, then I’ve detracted from their freedom and not added to it.

Here’s the point.

Just because someone says the model is to always get more and more money from people, that doesn’t mean you have to follow that model.

And it also means – you don’t have to find yourself in one of those ever-increasing funnels if you don’t want to.

At this last event we had in Branson – we sold no tickets and made zero dollars from anyone there.

These are 2 of my friends, Robin and Bill who didn’t know each other before the event.

At the event, they met and at one point – Robin expressed that every once in a while – she gets discouraged.

(Hey, ME TOO and Don’t we all?)

Well guess what Bill did?

He gave her his phone number and said “Call me anytime.  One of my gifts is the gift of encouragement and if I can give you some sometime, I’d love that.”


How cool is that?

Bottom line – there’s nothing wrong with selling stuff as long as the thing we sell can help the person we sell it to move forward in their journey vs. backward.

We all showed up to this last event with the intention to make connections, share ideas and help each other.

If I’d have shown up with sole intention of selling my ‘top of the funnel’ package,

… I dunno, that just would have felt a bit wrong to me.


PS – We just calculated the value someone gets when they join The Home Business Academy and using realistic numbers – it came to over $2,000 in actual value someone receives on our $125 membership.  Add to that the fact that they can earn $100 residuals for each referral and I’ll tell you what, I feel GREAT about that being an offer that can contribute to someone’s forward movement in freedom.


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