Good Marketing

Seth Godin wrote in his blog post today that entrepreneurship is about,

‘Solving problems in a way you can be proud of.’

It helped me to remember some key insights.

First a key question,

  • Which problems, specifically are you attempting to solve with your product or service?

There are lots of problems in the world and it’s tempting to try to solve all of them.

This may not be the best strategy. read more

It’s A Cash Cow

Have you ever wondered why, often, you’ll see top earners in home business transition to selling training & information.

Some even move their full time efforts and begin to focus 100% on this type of venture.

Someone told me that in one giant legacy network marketing company, the lion share of the profits were being made, not from the selling the products, but from selling the training system. read more

Ideal Prospect Avatar

I recently interviewed a great friend who’s also a top earner in his network marketing company.

As he was laying out his recruiting process, the first thing he did was talk about how important it is to create your ideal prospect avatar.

Who exactly, are you looking to serve and work with?

It caused me to think back to my very first network marketing company presentation and remember a slide the company owners had inserted. read more