You Inc.

If I took the time to tell you about every,

  • Compensation plan change I’ve been through
  • Customer killing product goof up I’ve witnessed
  • Or income destroying decision that’s been made by company leadership over the years

This would not be a brief post.

One way I’ve chosen to insulate myself from some of these negative affects both now and in the future, is to build the You Inc. business model.

This just means you build your brand, your value, your following and your trust in the market place first, read more


Marketing changed my life.

It’s when I made the shift from asking just friends & family, to effectively asking ‘strangers’ to buy by products & join my business.

For me, a big part of the shift was turning those strangers into friends through the marketing process.

But what is marketing anyway? read more


Top Of Mind Awareness


Long content, short content.

Great content, average content.

What can beat them all?

Consistent content.

The power of the drip.

The power of staying in front of your audience.

Day by day.

Email by email.

Post by post.

Small but powerful, like a drop of water boring a crevice into the side of a mountainous stone. read more