
Many of the rules we think are rules in life and business aren’t really rules. They’re just things someone said we should do at some point along the way that no one ever stopped to question. Steve Jobs Said: When you grow up you tend to get told the world is the way it is …

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If You Build It

In the movie field of dreams, there is a line, “If you build it, they will come.” One thing that used to stop me from building the blog making the call speaking at the event or _________________ (fill in the blank) …was the fear that if I opened my mouth, there’d be nothing there. The fear …

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What do Elon Musk, Seth Godin and my brother in law have in common? They all strive to be useful. I tell my kid’s to watch to for this quality in their uncle Brandon. He makes it easy for them to see. The other day he shows up to our house and installs the motion sensor …

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The Essence of Santa

It’s 5:18 AM on Christmas morning.  3 of our 4 boys were up a 1:30 AM then again at 4:30. Luckily, for my lovely wife Corene, (AKA sleeping beauty) they’re watching some Scooby Doo in an effort to give her a few more moments of Christmas snooze.  🙂 Someone came to visit us yesterday and told us …

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Magic Rocks

In our book of the month for December, The Magic, Rhonda Byrne talks about having a gratitude rock. The idea is that each night before bed, you hold the rock in your hand and think back through all the great things that happened to you that day. Then, you pick the best one. As you’re …

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The Ethical Theft of Greatness

Tony Robbins talks about modeling a lot. But then, I remember a story from one of his books, where a former employee was using some of his material, without authorization. Initially, this made him mad. Modeling vs. Theft, what’s the difference? If you become a carbon copy of someone, saying exactly what they say, doing exactly what they …

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One great thing we’ve been doing together as a family is having a short lesson each night and discussion before bed. Last night we read a small thought from Luke which said, “A man’s life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth.” A recent story came to mind of a local man …

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Franciscos Wisdom

I was talking to subscriber and fellow freedom crusader Francisco Hernandez the other day and he said something, I thought, was wise. I asked him what he was looking for in a home business and aside from the amount of income he’s working towards and why he’s working towards it, he mentioned something extra. He …

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Tis The Season

Yesterday my mom texted that her car wouldn’t start & she needed help. Thankfully my schedule is pretty flexible so I was able to go. When I got there, she told me 2 short stories that lifted my spirits. While waiting for me to respond, she had texted, what she thought was my wife Corene’s, cell …

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Facebook Continued

Have you ever noticed yourself being in the moment of a great life experience, and finding yourself being sucked out of the joy of that moment, …because you’re too busy thinking about how you’re going to post the picture of the moment on Facebook & maybe even wondering how people will respond to it? I …

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Ray Dalio, in his new book Principles, said, ‘Maturity is the ability to reject good alternatives in order to pursue even better ones.’   In my first few years of home business I cycled through 14 different companies. That felt crazy. Since 2012, I’ve stayed committed and loyal to a select few. That too, at times has felt …

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