Light Knob Of The Soul

Yesterday I was helping my son Kayden write a birthday card for his friend Riley, a girl he's been friend's with since elementary school.

Kayden had gotten her a small gift and wanted to sent a note along with it.

As I was reviewing the words he'd written, I ventured 1 small suggestion. read more


Many times, I feel happy, at other times – not as much as I’d like.

Can you relate?

I woke up this morning wondering to myself,

….what is the source of happiness?

Then I read a message my friend Andrew sent me in response to this blog post from yesterday.

Hey brotha!

One time I had a girl that I had stopped and bought a cup of lemonade from and it was .50 for a cup. read more

A Measly Dollar

One day, a while back I was driving home from town.

I turned onto my road, about 3 miles from my home,

I’d just passed the local elementary school and off to the right I see these kids next to a table,

—–> selling lemonade.

I drive past them, and as I do, the Golden Rule pops into my mind. read more