Lessons From Montana

This weekend I took a little road trip over to Kalispell Montana with my friend Andrew to see him participate in a Spartan race.

(Montana is breathtakingly beautiful by the way)

The spartan, in case you don’t know, is some kind of craziness where people like to torture themselves up in the mountains through a whole series of bodily punishment type routines they call ‘exercise‘.

Here’s a short video with my friend Andrew explaining the madness.

All kidding aside it’s pretty cool to see my friend Andrew always stretching himself.

He’s really inspiring to me and everyone around him in this regard.

He told me these things are very therapeutic for him.

He runs a successful company here in South East Idaho with lots of employees and lots of responsibilities and he said these races are a healthy way to relax his mind from the day to day – sort of like meditation, in a way.

It’s a great reminder to get a way every once in a while and sharpen the saw, as Steven Covey says in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

Here’s how the beginning of the race started out, along with Andrew’s EPIC finish.

Sort of like a metaphor for life & business, isn’t’ it?

Starting a grand challenge, pumping yourself up in the beginning, putting in the work – staying the course and finishing strong.

Anyone can start, but it takes a champion to finish. 

I love the ending to Andrews race because it reminds me to always be a finisher.

I had a conversation with another great friend last week, Joseph Bradley, who reminded me that iron sharpens iron. 

Andrew and I had some great conversations about life & business this weekend & I’m reminded of how grateful I am to have friends around me who are striving to be the best they can be.

I always come away from my conversations with Andrew feeling educated, uplifted & inspired.

And that’s the 3rd lesson from Montana.

Surround yourself with people who are fun to be around and who inspire you to be the best you can be, because iron sharpens iron.

  • Get a way every once in a while and sharpen the saw
  • Always be a finisher
  • Iron sharpens iron

My 3 big lessons from Montana.  🙂

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