
What do Elon Musk, Seth Godin and my brother in law have in common?

They all strive to be useful.

I tell my kid’s to watch to for this quality in their uncle Brandon.

He makes it easy for them to see.

The other day he shows up to our house and installs the motion sensor he got us for Christmas.

As we’re leaving our driveway on the way to the family Christmas party, he stops his car, gets out and brings our garbage container back from the other side of the road. read more

The Essence of Santa

It’s 5:18 AM on Christmas morning.  3 of our 4 boys were up a 1:30 AM then again at 4:30.

Luckily, for my lovely wife Corene, (AKA sleeping beauty) they’re watching some Scooby Doo in an effort to give her a few more moments of Christmas snooze.  🙂

Someone came to visit us yesterday and told us “Santa has no part of our Christmas.” read more

Magic Rocks

In our book of the month for December, The Magic, Rhonda Byrne talks about having a gratitude rock.

The idea is that each night before bed, you hold the rock in your hand and think back through all the great things that happened to you that day.

Then, you pick the best one.

As you’re thinking about the thing, holding the magic rock in your hand, you say sincerely “Thank you. read more