The Set of The Sail

One of the best pieces of advice I ever got was from Jim Rohn in an audio program called “The Art of Exceptional Living.” In that audio he told me, “the major determining factor in how your life turns out is your philosophy. Your philosophy, he said, is like the set of the sail. Some …

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Is Elon Wrong?

Elon Musk, could very well be one of the most inspiring entrepreneurs on the planet. There was a period a few months ago where I did a fairly deep dive, learning as much as I could about his companies and philosophy. He became my new hero. That being said, I watched an interview of him …

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Limits of Leverage

Leverage: Using something small, like a lever, to achieve a big result, like moving a huge stone. Marketing & technology are 2 ways to leverage your time and message to reach more people and get things done faster. But there are limits. Famed copywriting legend Dan Kennedy was once asked, “Mr. Kennedy, in all your …

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