Limits of Leverage

Leverage: Using something small, like a lever, to achieve a big result, like moving a huge stone.

Marketing & technology are 2 ways to leverage your time and message to reach more people and get things done faster.

But there are limits.

Famed copywriting legend Dan Kennedy was once asked,

“Mr. Kennedy, in all your vast experience with marketing, what is one of the greatest lessons you’ve learned?”

He said, “That there are limits to what marketing & adverting can accomplish.”

He learned that it’s possible to bring massive floods of potential customers through the front door, but if they don’t find something good in your store, they’ll run right out the back.

Here’s another way to look at it.

Marketing & technology can be great amplifiers of quality, but  terrible replacements.

Maybe this is why Jim Rohn always used to say “work harder on yourself than you do on your job.”

Because you my friend, are the ultimate lever.

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