Trivita Scam Or The Best Thing To Hit MLM

Is Trivita a  scam or the company you’ve been looking for all your life?

Did you know there are well over 1,000 network marketing opportunities on the planet that you could choose from to build a business?  The majority of those companies also compete in the health and wellness space.  It’s no wonder there is so much confusion in the industry with people jumping from company to company all the time.  Is Trivita a company that can change all that or is there a “Trivita scam” as some people claim? read more

Lia Sophia Scam Or A Girl’s Best Friend

Show me a girl who doesn’t like jewelry and I’ll show you a man who doesn’t have a love affair with the remote control.  Ha… Few and far between right?

How would you like to get great jewelry for a discounted price, have fun with new friends and make money? That’s what’s offered at Lia Sophia.  But you want to make sure there’s no Lia Sophia Scam before you jump in with both feet.  I don’t blame you. read more

Pre Paid Legal Services Scam – Really?

I’m so tired of people attacking  great individuals  and companies because of their success.  Pre Paid Legal is an incredible American Success story and I’m going to show you why there is absolutely no such thing as a Pre Paid Legal Services Scam.

In July of 1969 Harland Stonecipher was involved in a head on collision.  He quickly discovers that his insurance covers everything from car damage to health bills but he’s left with large legal costs that could be devastating.  This leads him to found the predecessor of Pre Paid Legal, The Sportsman’s Motor Club in 1970. Mr. Stonecipher has been offering clients pre paid legal services for nearly half a century. This kind of longevity is a HUGE indicator that there is no pre paid legal services scam. read more