The Truth Shall Set You Free?

Is the world famous quote from Jesus accurate?   Does the truth really set you free?   What is truth?  How do you define it?  Why is it that choosing to live by it, as best you can, can help you make better decisions in life, experience more peace of mind and less stress, and even become a more powerful …

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Faith Enhancement Tweak

My big breakthrough in business came, in large part, when I developed an unstoppable faith that great things were on their way to me. 1 thing that led to this was the daily repetition of a formula given in the book Think And Grow Rich called the Major Definite Purpose / Self-confidence formula. (you can …

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Einstein’s Formula For Manifestation

One of the super interesting people I like to follow is Ray Kurzweil. Not only is he a genius inventor with a long list of game-changing inventions to his credit, he’s also a futurist who has very accurately predicted many technological advancements that have already come to pass. Since 2012 he’s been a Director of engineering at …

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Character vs. Reputation

According to Napoleon Hill, “Reputation is that which people think you are, reputation is that which you are.” Of course, the 2 are related, but they are not one in the same. Good character can lead to a good reputation but in our day of Public Relations, Marketing and spin, it’s quite possible to have …

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