The Alcoholics Guide For Recruiting More Reps

People hate to be sold, but they love to buy.’ -Early Mentor

I have a great friend that I like to philosophize with in the gym each morning.

We have the best conversations.

Over the years I’ve come to learn that this friend, at one time had a problem with alcohol and ended up finding a lot of help and solace in the alcoholics anonymous program.

He told me the other day between shoulder reps that AA is a program of attraction and not promotion.

In other words, the people who go are going because they sought their way there and want to be there not because someone forced them through the door.

When he told me that I said “Wow, that sounds like what successful recruiters do.”

They create a safe space through rapport, questions and invitations that allows the prospect to seek their own way through the information discovery process and into the purchase decision.

A friendly gentle guide.

That’s what successful recruiting is all about.

‘A soul convinced against its will is of the same opinion still.’

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