The Movers Circle

A week or so ago a friend of mine asked me,

“Paul, how do you network & become friends with successful and influential people?”

I thought about one of the most successful people I know and realized I met most of them in The Movers Circle.

I told Van (my friend) that the #1 piece of advice I have for networking with accomplished people is to,

Be anxiously engaged in a good cause.

Take for example my friend, Joe Perry, who is near the top of my list of most successful friends.


  • Helped to build 2 companies that did 100 million in sales in their first 3 years.
  • Was instrumental in formulating the world’s first milkshake diet back in the 70’s
  • Led a company in 2009 to doing 20 million in sales in a 3 year time frame…
  • Currently runs a successful company called Natralife that produces one of my favorite products.
  • And the list goes on and one…

I think back to how I met Joe.

I was in a company back in 2011 that he was the President of.

I was anxiously engaged in building my team in that company focused on my success.

The company had a cruise promotion that I was grateful to do well in, and that landed my wife Corene and I on a cruise to the Bahamas with people like Joe, his wife and a whole slew of other successful, forward moving people.

On the cruise I had a chance to talk with Joe a few times.

He and his wife even gave up the grand suite on the cruise so my wife and I could enjoy it as a reward for our business efforts.

That was the beginning of a treasured friendship that continues on through today.

How did it come about?

By me, making a decision that I was going learn, grow, overcome my fears, take consistent action and be in The Movers Circle.

I suppose it’s possible to strategically target wealthy people and come up with strategies for meeting them.

I’ve never done that myself.

Instead – I try to focus on…

  1. Growing myself and my business
  2. Being anxiously engaged in a good cause

It always seems the people I want most in my life are doing those same 2 things and we always tend to find each other in The Movers Circle.  🙂

PS – I’m at an event here in Branson Missouri and a number of amazing people who are here – I met on that same cruise (or in that same company) back in 2011.

I had dinner the other night with Jona Howe and her Husband Kirk (both awesome & successful people), and that relationship started on that cruise in 2011, in the movers circle.

PPS – I also met in one of my new best friends and leaders in our Freedom Crusaders Alliance in that same company in 2011, Mr. Coach J Bradley, who is here crusading for freedom with us in 2018.

2 thoughts on “The Movers Circle”

  1. Thank you for sharing! I’d love to hear more about which good cause you are anxiously engaged in currently? I love researching “work-life balance” and I’m interested in knowing if this means spending time doing community service, donating time or money or some other kind of crusade? Or does it mean something else entirely?? So curious 🙂

    And, that’s my best buddy ever Joseph Bradley in that picture, and I LOVE seeing you two having so much fun!

    • Hey Heather!

      You know Joseph Bradley! NO WAY! I can totally see how he’s your best buddy ever! He’s one of my favorite people in the world too!

      Yes I would love to share more.. Would also love to get to know you and learn more about YOU! any friend of Joseph I know has to be amazing!

      My main good cause is the business I’m building that for me – involves many things I’m passionate about – including creating positive change in the world at the same time.

      It also has a charitable aspect to it so the more we grow it – the more dollars go to another ‘good cause’ we believe in.

      Work – life balance is such a great topic! I believe – if we can create a work environment that is filled with much of the goodness we want from life – that it becomes a bit easier – since as we’re working – we are living life in the way we want it.

      I certainly don’t have it all figured out but working it. 🙂

      If you’re open – I’d love to connect via phone or video chat sometime.

      Any friend of JOseph is a friend of mine!

      Thanks so much for your comment & look forward to connecting.


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