Top 9 Tips For More Facebook Engagement

I hear people say all the time, “something is wrong with the Facebook Algorithm, I’m not getting any engagement.”

All the while, I see others getting TONS of engagement on almost everything they post.

If someone is getting engagement, and another is not – odds are high it’s not the algorithm, but the person and type of posts, that are making the difference.

If you’re building a business from home – it’s important to realize that engagement is NOT the end goal – sales and enrollments are.

That being said, more engagement can lead to more exposure which means engagement can lead to more sales and enrollments for your business, so it’s worth thinking about.

Here are my top 9 tips for increasing engagement on Facebook.

1. Engage with other people’s posts.

The law of reciprocity is real and the more you engage with others, the more they will want to engage with you.

For every post you make, take a bit of time to go and engage with others in the news-feed.

2. Engage with everyone who comments on your post.

Every time you reply to a comment on your own post you tell the Algorithm to show that same post to more people on your friend’s list.

Not only that, but you build goodwill and rapport by showing people they will be rewarded with your attention and acknowledgement when they take time from their busy day to leave you a comment.

3.  Run your content through a topic filter before you post.

Here are some topics to consider wrapping your content into.

We call this the R.E.E.L.I.E formula…

Results – people love to see success and celebrate success on social media.  When done right, people will champion you, applaud you and help you spread your message when  you share your wins in life.  Just don’t over do it because if you’re posting success on every post – that’s called bragging and can have the opposite affect.

Engagement – people love to share their opinions.  Use this and ask questions every once in a while instead of constantly pontificating all your wisdom for the world to see.  😉

Entertainment – Make them laugh with a joke or a funny meme… Take their imaginations on a journey with an interesting story.

Lifestyle – Share from your life.  Tell people bits and pieces of who you are so they can get to know you.

Inspiration – Hope and belief for something better gets us all out of bed in the morning and through the day.

We all want to believe that life is meaningful and that we matter and are an important piece of the infinite puzzle.

Remind people of how great they are.

Remind them of their potential.

Remind them of all the reasons to see something better and to keep going for it!

Education – When something works for you that others might also want to learn, teach it.

After you inspire someone that there’s something great waiting for them at the top of the stairwell, show them the steps to get there.

4.  Don’t Hit The Share Button

For some reason, Facebook seems to NOT show shared content as much as content directly posted or uploaded  to your profile.

If you see an image you love from a friend, instead of hitting the share button, download it – post it directly to your news feed and tag the friend you got it from for credit.

This will get more exposure than hitting that share button.

5.  Post Original Content

I don’t know if this is why Facebook doesn’t reward shares as much as original posts but it could be.

Regardless, it’s a good thing to realize that every once in a while people want to hear from YOU.

What do you YOU think?

What do YOU feel?

What is YOUR unique way to express ideas, words, metaphors and stories?

This is especially true of anyone in home business because people join people and usually, the way prospects get to know you as a person, so they can decide whether or not they would join you – is through your original content.

6.  Add An Image

The first commandment is marketing is “Thou shalt get their attention!”  🙂

Nothing stops a news-feed power-scroll like a good image, with crisp – clean, bright colors.

And since we’re talking about images, be sure to post pictures of yourself and your friends, family and whoever it is you’re hanging out with.

Show the faces and smiles up close.

And just because people are fond of using the hashtag, #NoFilter < – That doesn’t mean you have to.

I use filters ALL the time to make my images more attractive and I feel absolutely ZERO shame in it.

Part of marketing is about presenting yourself in your best light.  As I wrote in this post last week, marketing is the best of you and your value to the market magnified through media. 

I highly doubt you would ever see a billion dollar brand like Apple or Coca Cola bragging about using no filters.

7.  Convert Your Blog Posts and/or YouTube Videos Into Facebook Content Before Posting. 

Facebook wants to keep people on their platform because the more people stay – the more eyeballs they have, the more ads they can show and the more money they make.

Perhaps this is why when you post direct links to your news feed, you will be penalized with less exposure.

If you write a blog post – Like I’m righting now, copy/paste the text and put it in a Facebook post instead of sharing the link.

Or you can post the first part of your post and tell them if they want to see the rest they can click the link in the comments.

8.  Talk To People In The Chat Box

I’ve noticed over time that often, when I have a chat with someone – all of a sudden they start liking and commenting on my posts – and I start seeing their posts in my feed.

Chatting with someone definitely activates the algorithm.

One thing I would avoid is using this for the sole purpose of activating the algorithm because this violates the next tip I’m going to share.

What am I talking about?

Every once in a while I’ll get these simple copy/past messages or images from people.

These messages are not very personalized and leave me wondering – Why did this person send me this?

I’ll tell you why.

Because they know that chatting with someone keeps the algorithm activated.

Problem is, it does little to enhance the relationship and people can be much less likely to respond to these messages which hurts you in the long run.

Engagement can be totally worthless without real relationships – so I would say never step on a relationship just to shake hands with the algorithm.

It will hurt you in the long run.

9.  Have Real Relationships With People 

Yes, Facebook is great for business but that’s not the reason most normal people use it.

Most normal people use it for staying connected and strengthening relationships.

I decided a long time ago that if I had to damage relationships to build my business – it wasn’t worth it.

John Maxwell once wrote “If you take time to build relationships with people, you will find fulfillment wherever you go.”

I’ve found that to be true.

Yes it takes time.

Yes, sometimes we want things to happen faster.

That being said, sometimes we have to slow down in order to speed up over the long haul.

If you treat people on Facebook like they’re real people and not just digital avatars on a screen, and get to know them, they will be much more excited to keep connecting with you on social media.

So those are my top 9 tips for increasing engagement on Facebook.

Did they help?

Do you have any other Facebook tips that have helped you with your Facebook engagement?

Would love to hear down below.

2 thoughts on “Top 9 Tips For More Facebook Engagement”

  1. Great tips Paul! This post is absolutely legit 🙂

    I found that when I was doing Live Broadcasts (which I’ll be starting again real soon), the stronger relationships and the more value I offered in chat to people personally, the more those people were likely to get on my Lives when I invited them and the more engaged they were when they did.

    Thanks again Paul! I value our friendship brother 🙂


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