Where It All Starts

I’ll always remember my first experience of planting seeds into the soil of my soul that then blossomed into reality.

Each night I would walk beneath the Idaho stars, proclaiming my vision and seeing in my minds eye, the income amounts I was attracting.

Faith filled my heart, mind and soul and something magical seemed to touch my life.

And then, as if God put an exclamation point on this experience Himself, the exact amounts of income arrived, at the appointed time.

A similar, magical experience happened again when we paid off the mortgage on our house.

Through these and other similar experiences, I’ve come to believe that our biggest job is to create the vision we desire, plant the seeds of that vision in the soil of our souls, and impregnate that vision with faith.

That’s where it all starts.

And just because we may know this, sense it or even have had seemingly mystical and magical experiences in the past the confirm the truth  – it doesn’t mean we practice it as we should.

If you don’t currently have a vision that inspires you, I want to challenge you to create one.

Take some time and write it out on a sheet of paper.

Let your heart speak your better future into existence through the words you’re inspired to write.

You can read this vision or – record it into an MP3 with some peaceful, relaxing music behind it so you can easily review it night and morning (which seem to be the best times to plant those seeds.)

The format I followed in my most recent rendition was…

  1. A period of relaxation (Relaxing is like prepping the soil of your mind & soul to be prepared for the divine seeds that you’re about to plant)
  2. Description of vision  (What are your dreams relating to health, wealth & relationships & Lifestyle?)
  3. Statements of empowering beliefs you wish to cultivate  (what are powerful things you can choose to believe about life, health, wealth, business, people, and prosperity?)

The Bible says “Where there is no vision, the people perish” and maybe on the flip side  it’s safe to say…

“Where there is vision, the people flourish.”

Vision – where it all starts.

Are you up for the challenge?

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