Compound Effect (4 Insights from Chapter 2)

Yesterday I shared 4 insights from Chapter 1 of The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy.

Shout out to Bill Moist who wrote that working on his book is a new daily discipline he’s installing to help him with his Authority Marketing.

WAHOOO!  Way to go Bill!

If you didn’t pick your new discipline I challenge you to go back to yesterdays post, maybe even watch the video and select just 1 new positive habit you can start to implement.

(Mine is adding a new daily video into my routine which should help with lead generation and building more rapport with my audience.)

Today I want to share with you my top 4 insights from Chapter 2 of the Compound Effect.

Video version…(text down below)

 1. It’s the little things that bite.   

Darren asks “Have you ever been bitten by an elephant?  How about a mosquito? Exactly, it’s the little things that bite.”

What a great way to explain a powerful concept!  (Sort of like ‘Little hinges swing big doors.’

2.  Sometimes bad behaviors are disguised as good behaviors.

He writes “You get caught up and lose 2 hours watching mindless TV – scratch that, let’s give you some credit and make it an educational documentary.” 


Good, better, best – sometimes good can be the enemy of the best use of our time.

3.  The things we buy today cost 5 times what we think they do. 

The money spent on a $4 daily coffee, invested at an 8% rate of return amounts to $50K plus in 20 years.

That means each dollar we spend today is actually $5.

Is that daily coffee really worth the price of a Mercedes benz?

4.  The magic sauce of awareness & change of choice is tracking. 

Whether it’s health, wealth, relationships or new habits – Darren’s #1 recommendation for creating positive change is to track religiously whatever area it is you want to create change in.

He says “Tracking is my go to transformation model for everything that ails me. Over the years I’ve tracked what I eat and drink, how much I exercise… ”

“Do you know how the casinos make so much money in Vegas?  Because they track every table, every winner, every hour.”

Then he says…

“In buying this book, you’re basically paying me for my opinion, my guidance.  This is where I’m going to become a hard ass and insist you track your behaviors for at least 1 whole week.”

So there you have it my friend.

My top 5 takeaways from Chapter 2 of The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy.

  1. Elephants don’t bite
  2. Good is not as good as best
  3. $1 today is actually worth $5 in the future
  4. And tracking is a magical tool for change.

Here’s a little tracking document you can use for tracking your new daily discipline.

Let’s do this!  🙂

PS – Are you reading this book?  Would love to hear your insights and/or commitment for change down below.

PPS – Huge shout out to Lori Sue Netherda who sent me this great note yesterday..

6 thoughts on “Compound Effect (4 Insights from Chapter 2)”

  1. 2. Sometimes bad behaviors are disguised as good behaviors….

    THIS 👆is definitely true and something I try to be aware of when at work. If you get caught up in small things and ignore the big things that need to be done, you can find yourself in a world of trouble later. Reminds me of busy work… Unnecessary stuff that we don’t actually need to get done now to grow our business. Great post!

    • Thanks so much for your words Robin! While reading them I was reminded of a quote from Jim Rohn that I hadn’t thought about in relation to this post.. remember when he said… “Most people major in the minors” Like you said, the little things that keep us from doing the big things can be good things that are the enemies to GREAT things! So appreciate you Robin and PUMPED to read more of your posts and see more of your videos.. Thanks so much for being on the Freedom Crusaders Journey with us!

  2. I really learn so much from you and the way you lay things out is so easy to follow. I love the magic sauce!! I just signed up to get your book!! I love the magical tool for change!!

    • You sure know how to make a guy feel good! 🙂 thanks Sarah! Which book is that? If it’s Home Business Domination – that’s coming soon… Some final edits and it will be up.. Thanks for being patient.. 🙂

  3. Great insight, Paul! I really like the idea about spending time in the best possible way we can. It’s easy to justify time spent doing anything, but the question is am I being the most effective with my time right now?

    I also like the tracker! Thank you so much for sharing!


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