How To Actually Make Money From Home

On today’s TAGR mastermind (which was on FIYAHHH btw) one of our successful participants dropped a great word – easyology.

He said that one of his mentors told him that in the beginning stages of building a business from home, ‘most of the people won’t join because of who you are.’

As you become someone with more positive energy, communication skills and influence – people will begin to join precisely because of who you’ve become.

This, then is when making money from home becomes a practice of ‘easyology’ my friend said.

Great word right?  😉

Indeed, I noticed this process play out my own journey to build a full-time income from home.

I’d like to point out one other HUGE reason I think it took so long for me to finally become successful.

(I don’t think I’m alone in this)

When building a home business (network marketing or affiliate), it’s easy to trick yourself into thinking your ‘working’ and all the while be doing nothing that actually generates income.

Reading books, attending training, going to events, idle chit chat with team members, posting on social media, reading company literature,

…all these things make you feel like your working and investing in your business – but in reality – by themselves do absolutely nothing to generate a sale so you can earn a commission and grow your income.

There is only 1 activity that produces and grows income and that is getting prospects to sales messages.  

If you have plenty of leads coming in consistently to where people are viewing your sales message on auto-pilot, great!  

(no prospecting necessary)

If you have zero leads coming in – the ONLY other activity that is useful for actually generating income is connecting & inviting people to view a sales message.

‘Marketing’ that never actually produces a lead or gets someone to a sales message is pretty worthless as far as income generation goes.

If you’re not yet earning the money you want to be earning – ask yourself this 1 golden question

“Today, this last week, this last month or this last year – how much time per day have I been laser-focused on getting people to my company sales message?”

If that number is low – it makes absolutely perfect sense that the income number would also be low.

It’s illogical for it to be anything different.

This is one reason I love to use an activity tracker.

At a glance, I can easily see how many people I’ve invited to see my company sales message over the last x amount of time.

This is a clear measure of how much I’ve actually worked on things that lead to income in my business.

And sure enough – for every 100 invitations – I have produced a consistent amount of new customers & team members for my business.

It’s common to for people in our profession to say things like ‘this just isn’t working for me?”

Is that it – or is it that you’re not working for it?

Show me the numbers?

Is the work there – or isn’t it?

And if it’s not, it’s a super simple fix.

Set aside a set time for every day you plan to work – and do nothing but focus on getting people to your company sales message.

Do this consistently, day by day and watch what happens.

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