Some Things I’m Pumped About

So it’s Saturday morning and I woke up around 5:50, my mind racing and alive with ideas as I prepare for the gym.

One of my old friends, (Todd Young – a great networker), used to say there are 3 steps to success in business.

  1.  Get Excited
  2. Get excited
  3. Get excited!

I really love that advice and one of the things I LOVE about building a business from home is that, for the most part, if we’re doing things right, we get to live in a state of enthusiasm most of the time. read more

When Marketing Hurts Sales

I see some home business owners making facebook posts or doing lives and never bothering to check or respond to messages in their inbox.

Here’s why that’s so weird to me.

Over my last few months of home business activity, I’ve noticed something strange.

The vast majority of my sales have come – not from mass messages but rather, from 1 on 1 engagement. read more