How To Stop Being A Perfectionist Now

Are you a perfectionist? STOP IT! Perfectionism is NOT a virtue… Truthfully – “Perfectionism is just a fancy word for “Procrastination” and today, you can read this post to learn how to KICK perfectionism to the curb for good!

The Day My Dad Left

I was standing in the yard – watching his old 80’s model white pickup truck – loaded to the hilt with all his stuff, pull out of the driveway. I was 8 years old. I remember, a few tears falling down my face as I wondered how long it would be until I saw my dad again…

How To Get People To Buy – Step 7 – Foretelling The Future

Ever feel like your sponsor went into the witness protection program? In today’s post, you can learn how to avoid this EVER happening to you again..AND, following this step properly can prevent your TEAM from ever having the feeling that YOU abondonded them and went all incognito in the witness protection program… 😉

How To Get People To Buy – 2 More Crucial Steps

Getting people to buy, can be as easy as 1,2,3, or 4,5 and 6. As a matter of fact, when you read today’s post- you’re going to learn step #5 & Step #6 – so you can learn how to get people to buy more, and maybe even, make more money & have more freedom.