Character vs. Reputation

According to Napoleon Hill,

“Reputation is that which people think you are, reputation is that which you are.”

Of course, the 2 are related, but they are not one in the same.

Good character can lead to a good reputation but in our day of Public Relations, Marketing and spin, it’s quite possible to have a great reputation and very poor character.

The good news is only one of these is 100% within your own control and it happens to be the one that matters most.

4 thoughts on “Character vs. Reputation”

  1. Paul, you have such great insight on life. It’s like my mom always told me, treat people the way you would like to be treated. And always do the right thing even if nobody is looking. Thank you call very much for this post you’re a great leader.

  2. That makes A LOT of sense! I remember Stephen Covey talking about the difference between character & personality, and how working on character helps us to control the shape of our personality, but not the other way around.

    Great post!

    • That’s a great connection! I had forgotten that… you’re so right.. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – The Character Ethic vs. The Personality Ethic… one is the core – the other the shell. Great stuff Coach J Brad!


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