Comic Relief

The other day we were driving home from picking up a new rug for our house.

I plugged in a clip from Tim Hawkins that I’d never heard before and I laughed and laughed and laughed.

Tim Hawkins, if you don’t know, is a great family friendly comedian.

This clip is called “Helper in the Car” and if you’ve ever had the experience of a spouse or significant other giving you instructions while driving, there’s a good chance this will crack you up.

My lovely wife Corene does this to help me in the car, a lot and so it was so funny (for me).

I think Corene got a chuckle from it too, but she did a pretty good job of hiding her grin beneath somewhat of a straight face while listening.

Here’s the clip.  Enjoy.

PS – After watching this clip I’ve realized the help in the car syndrome must be more of a female phenomenon than a “Just my wife” phenomenon.

Have you observed this behavior happening in your life and if so, is it just the ladies who are so helpful in this way or do the guys pitch in occasionally with this public service from time to time as well?

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