The Extra Mile Realtor

Last week we sold the fix & flip project we’ve been working on for the last year or so…


It was definitely stressful at times but when I got the check from the title company – I have to say, it was totally worth it!

It was a big step for my family in our journey to freedom.

I’m proud of myself for getting on and staying on the path to freedom.

  1. Make money in business
  2. Take that money and buy income producing assets

There were tons of lessons and insights along the way but one of the best was seeing my realtor go the extra mile for us in getting our home sold.

Her name is Kandice Duke and I’m calling her ‘The Extra Mile Realtor‘ because she went above and beyond in helping us with this project.

My favorite example is when the buyer’s loan was in final underwriting and she found out there was supposed to be some painting done on some exposed wood on a shed area.

You’ll never guess what she did. She called to tell me and then she said “I’ve already picked up a bucket of paint and I’m headed out there tomorrow to get it taken care of.”

I was blown away. Who does that these days?

She was so helpful, knowledgeable and pleasant to work with throughout the whole process. She had tons of patience and did what it took to get our home sold.

Inspires me to know there are people like Kandice out there who care so much about going the extra mile and providing great service!

Love this real life example of Law of Succes #8.

Hopefully, we can take Kandice’s example as some added inspiration to go above and beyond in our own business endeavors.

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