Jack Ass Grass

“The grass is always sweeter on the other side of the fence, says the jackass, as he stretches his neck in the attempt to get to it.” -Napoleon Hill

This last Saturday I was shopping for some homes to fill out an investment project we’re working on and I met a guy who built a passive income of $10,000 per month by the time he was 20 years old.

Not only that, he went on to make millions – and then lose it all.

I sat on the edge of my seat listening intently to his story as he shared lesson after lesson.

One of which was to ‘not be greedy.’

He reflected on the fact that at certain times of his life he’d built up plenty of financial security for himself but then lost it by ‘laying it all on the line’ in an attempt to get more.

Andrew Carnegie once told Napoleon Hill that for some people, the goal to become a millionaire would be the wrong goal.

When Napoleon Hill asked him ‘why’, he said: “because for some people, it would cost too much.”

Building a life of freedom seems to be more about saying ‘yes’ to what that number is for you and saying ‘no’ to all the other voices that want to lead us off track.

And maybe, with some things, enough really can be enough.

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