Amega Global Scam Or Mega Magic Money Maker

Is there an Amega Global Scam?  You’re about to find out.

I first heard about Amega Global on webinar.  I was listening to one of the top internet marketers laugh about how one of his team members had left him to go and sell magic wands.  I must admit, I laughed too.  I mean, what’s the network marketing industry going to come up with next, right? read more

Max International Scam Or Legitimate Home Based Business

You are wondering if there is a Max International Scam.  You’re very wise to be doing your research.  You can make a lot of money in network marketing but you do have to make sure the company you’re with is a legitimate and viable vehicle to help you get to your destination.

If you are leaning towards joining Max International… I can assure you that it’s absolutely not a scam.  How can I assure you of this?  Let me explain. read more

Visalus Scam Or Stepping Stone To Life, Health And Prosperity

I don’t blame you for trying to find out if there’s a Visalus scam.

It’s been said that the jungle of home business opportunities is filled with lions, tigers and bears.

(It’s been my experience, that this is absolutely true – unfortunately)

You’re  smart to want to avoid getting eaten by the beasts of the forest.  🙂

It’s my pleasure to report that Visalus stands as a mighty oak in the woods of confusion. read more