ATTN Herblife Reps – Critical Warning… Read This Now!

Herblife is a legitimate company with good products and a great history in the market place. So what’s the big deal?  What is the “URGENT WARNING” that I’m so intent on getting to you as a current or potential herbalife distributor? Here it is. If you are going to invest time, effort and heart building …

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Numis Network, Why I Didn’t Join…

This is Paul Hutchings here and I am excited to share this review on Numis Network with you. Just to give you a heads up, this won’t be necessarily an “in depth” review but just some thoughts I’ve had regarding this opportunity. Numis is making a huge splash in the marketplace.  I see their reps …

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Procard International, Revealed.

Procard International is company that’s been around about a decade & they’ve got a great history in the market place. THE PRODUCT They market a card, a membership card that allows you to get discounts on vision, prescription, dental and physician visits. The membership will cost you about $20 to get set up and then …

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