The Answer & A Gift

‘Where there is not vision, the people perish’, says the Bible.

“Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you”, said Jesus.

I’ve had a couple experiences in my life where I’ve taken the time to formulate a clear vision and then experienced what seemed to me to be, miraculous occurrences.

The time I paid off my mortgage was one.

Most of the time, to logical minds, these experience seem pretty ‘woo woo‘.

Recently I learned of some new science, that seems to offer some pretty plausible explanation as to how it is, that vision can be so miraculously manifested into reality.

The term is called Quantum Physics and some experts assert that science has now proven that a conscious observer can cause sub atomic particles to manifest from thin air (or change from a wave state of possibility into a particle state), simply by conscious observation or attention.

This idea was introduced to me first, in our current book of the month The Answer, by John Assaraf.

He tells a crazy story of having a certain home on a dream board, only to dig up the old dream board from a box years later after moving into a new home – to discover he had miraculously purchased and moved into the exact home he’d placed on a dream board and then forgotten about years before.

After building a couple billion dollar plus companies, he retired and went on a quest to discover how this could have happened, and his research led him to the field of quantum physics.

After I finished The Answer, a friend recommended Breaking The Habit of Being Yourself by Dr. Joe Diszpenza, and he goes into even greater detail on these topics.

I bought the audio version on Audible and after realizing he refers to several charts, went looking online for a PDF version so I could see the illustrations.

I discovered that Hay House offers the entire PDF version of the book for free here on this page.

I think Price Pritchett was right when he said, ‘Absence of evidence, is not evidence of absence’ however, when evidence is available, it does seem to go a long way in helping to solidify our faith.

And that’s The Answer, I’m hoping we can find in the gift.  🙂

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