Top 9 Tips For More Facebook Engagement

I hear people say all the time, “something is wrong with the Facebook Algorithm, I’m not getting any engagement.”

All the while, I see others getting TONS of engagement on almost everything they post.

If someone is getting engagement, and another is not – odds are high it’s not the algorithm, but the person and type of posts, that are making the difference. read more

Marketing & Branding For Home Biz Pros – Demystified

Over the years I’ve heard more than one leader say “We discourage marketing, branding, lead gen, etc. – because it’s not duplicate-able.”

I get it.  You want to teach people to do things that are simple in the hopes that they’ll sponsor more customers & reps.

Relationship, invitations, relationship, invitations – rinse and repeat because it’s simple and it works. read more

Residual Income Through Sales Funnels With The Master Money Rippler

WAHOO! I had the great opportunity to be interviewed on the Chris Miles Money show once again to talk about creating residual income income through sales funnels.

Chris is such a great guy, father of 8 – ANTI financial planner and in case you didn’t know he also retired for the first time at 28 years old.
Isn’t that amazing! read more