Juice Plus Scam Revealed

Some people have expressed concern that there may be a Juice plus scam.  You’re about to get the truth on this company/opportunity.

Is the Juice Plus product really magical?

Will it heal terminal illnesses? Will it instantly shave 20 years off of your life and make you young and healthy again? Most likely no.

However, will it contribute to your health? Let’s think about it.

Juice plus markets products that contain extracts from 17 fruits and vegetables. read more

Xango Scam – The Truth Revealed

Some of you have expressed concerns that there may be a Xango Scam in the works here.

I’m about to reveal this company for what it really is.

Xango was founded just a few years ago in September of 2002 by a team of brothers. These guys have quite a history. Originally from Canada, the Morton Brothers, Joe and Gordon are no strangers to network marketing. As young boys they helped there father, a manager for Nature’s Sunshine (An MLM Company), open up a Canadian division of operations. read more