Vitamark, A First-Class Company?

You are looking for some information on Vitamark and I’m here to give you what you’re looking for.

Let’s start with the basics.
Vitamark is a network marketing company that was founded in 2002.  They are headquartered in Houston, Texas.  An 8 year track record is a very good sign.  They have proven itself as a company with a viable place in the market.

Based on their track record thus far, you can safely assume they will be around for a while.  That is pretty important for anyone considering building a residual income that will last a lifetime. read more

Waiora Scam Or Legitimate Business Opportunity

Waiora Scam is searched for on the internet about 1,000 times per month.

You’re definitely not the only one wondering whether this company is a rip-off or a legitimate business opportunity.  This article will answer your questions.

First, in order to answer this question in the best possible manner, we have to understand what a scam really is.


Look up any definition on “scam” and you’ll find that a scam is when you are promised something in exchange for money, your money is taken, and the promises are left unfulfilled.  Basically a scam is an unfulfilled promise. read more

Waiora, The Facts.

Are you looking at Waiora? With so many network marketing companies competing for your commitment as a business builder, sometimes it’s hard to separate the fact from fiction.

Making a decision to partner up with a company and invest years of your life, should not be taken lightly.  If you are looking at investing a significant amount of time with this company, this article will give you the facts you’ll need to make a sharp, effective decision. read more