Money, Conspiracy, A.I. & The Quest For Freedom & Truth…

This last week I published an interesting blog post about a book that was very instumental in how I understand, view and use money.

I also mentioned it on one of our morning Grow Rich Mastermind calls.

A few days later, a friend and fellow host of our call, brought up the book I’d shared and as she was talking about it said that “It was written by a ‘conspiracy theorist’ and that we may want to take the content it contains with a grain of salt.” read more

The System Is Out To Get You (This is not a joke)

What if it were true that slavery had not actually been abolished but instead underwent a transformation? Imagine a scenario where, even though it was nearly universally present today, it remained hidden and unrecognizable. People could be walking around thinking, speaking, and behaving as if they were free, all the while living within a system of slavery that they didn't even know existed.