Cieaura Success Secrets

Cieaura is definitely a project that the network marketing community has never before seen the likes of.

I’m guessing that you are excited about this opportunity for 2 reasons.

1)  You see the incredible impact that you can have on people’s health and well being.

2)  You see a HUGE income opportunity.  A chance to FREE yourself and your family financially so you can do all the things you’ve always wanted to do.  Finally, time and money will no longer be obstacles for you. read more

ACN Pyramid Scheme? Why I’m Laughing…

I was researching “ACN pyramid scheme” on google and was led to this realtor’s website where he posted the following picture and said that there was an ACN pyramid scheme.

I am laughing out loud as I write this post and I’m about to tell you why.  Maybe we can have a laugh together.

This picture illustrates the argument used by many people to claim that network marketing and companies like ACN are pyramid schemes.

This argument states that because you’ll eventually run out of people in the world to provide revenue to the company or the project, that it must be a scam. read more

ACN Reviews, Why I Didn’t Join…

If you are reading this “acn reviews” article, you are either considering joining ACN or you’re already an acn business builder.

Either way, the information you’re about to receive can help you move closer to cash flow, contribution and freedom.

DISCLAIMER:  Any business will have pros and cons, supporters and detractors.  I simply want to give you my opinions regarding the ACN product and business opportunity.

This is important for you to read because, should you decide to build an acn business, a great number of your prospects will have these exact thoughts and you’ll need to be able to address them. read more