Top 4 From 4 (The Compound Effect)

I just finished chapter 4 of the Compound effect.  Only 1 more chapter to go.  WAHOO!  😉

If you missed my recaps of the first few chapters , feel free to check them out here, here and here.

Here are my top 4 takeaways from chapter 4.

  • The Big Mo 

The ‘big mo’ is momentum and once you’ve got it, he says, success becomes almost automatic and unstoppable.

‘It’s like drawing water from a well with a hand pump.’

In the beginning you’ll pump and pump and pump and get nada.

Then, finally after a while a few drops of water will come trickling out and you’ll say “That’s it!?”

Then for those who keep going, a gushing flood of crystal, clear drinking water will finally come pouring out.

That’s momentum.  (or the compound effect)

  • The Secret to Consistent Production 

This wasn’t specifically mentioned in chapter 4 but, it was a huge insight that came to me while reading this chapter.

Have you ever found that motivation is fickle?

Some days you got it and other days you don’t.

The problem with this is – if we only take action on the days we feel motivated – we could be in big trouble.

I realized, the way to keep doing the right things – whether you feel like them or not – is to develop the discipline to do them long enough that they become habitual.

The things I do now that are habitual – i do them – no matter what.

Like Blogging or the daily Think And Grow Rich mastermind.

That’s the secret to consistent production.

  • Book End your days

Darren says that sometimes the day can get away from you but 2 things that are always 100% in your control are how you start the day and finish the day.

He starts at around 5:00 or 5:30 with some gratitude, sending love to someone, 30 minutes of reading and then what he calls calibration.

For calibration – he looks at his top goal or goals and asks himself… “What are 3 things I can do today that can make the biggest impact on the achievement of these goals?”

The next thing he does is delegation.

That’s how he starts the day.

He ends each day with 10 minutes of reading from an inspirational book.

And that’s book ending your days.

And the last big nugget I got from chapter 4 was….

  • Winning the race is all about the pace.  Be the tortoise. 

He says that the tortoise is…

The person who, given enough time, will beat virtually anybody in any competition as a result of positive habits and behaviors applied consistently.

I love that.

Learn to play the long game with discipline and consistency vs. big bursts of sporadic activity.

That inspires me!

So there you have it my friend!  My top 4 takeaways from chapter 4 of The Compound Effect.

  1. The Big Mo
  2. The Secret to Consistent Production
  3. Book ending the day
  4. Slow & Steady wins the race

Hope these tips help you on your journey!

6 thoughts on “Top 4 From 4 (The Compound Effect)”

  1. Sure, like old Ziggy used to say, once you have got that pump pumping, it’s easy to keep it going. Starting it up in the beginning takes a bit of work. But once the momentum sets in your business starts filling it’s funnels. 🙂 These 4 points are very valuable information as usual Paul.

  2. Paul! You are the man! Thank you for sharing your insight with all of us! It’s funny because I was thinking about what you said earlier, and then I read it here again about the fickle nature of motivation. That is so on point! develop a discipline & a habit, and let motivation be icing on the cake.

    Keep these amazing posts coming! You make it fun & easy to read the book of the month.

    • Love how you put that.. “Let the motivation be the icing on the cake.”

      Iron sharpens iron my brother and I love the affect you’re having on me.

      Thank you thank you thank you!


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