5 Things You Can Do To Be More Like Billionaire Elon Musk

Wallace Wattles writes in his book ‘The Science Of Getting Rich’, that wealthy people think and act in certain ways.  I’ve been a believer that if we can learn to think and act in those ways, we can duplicate wealthy results in our lives.  In this video I share 5 big takeaways from chapter 1 of Elon Musk’s Biography.  These are useful things we can model in our own lives to get get better results.  Watch the video below if you’d like to check them out.

The Truth About The News

It’s not all bad, but much of it is. Here are 2 acronyms for the N.E.W.S that I find, helps to describe it in a mostly, accurate way. Negative Energy Warping Society  Negative Emotional Warfare System  The former, from me, the latter from my wife Corene. Everyone has an agenda, the question is – are …

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A Quality Most Admired

‘Grief is such a beautiful, wild beast.” -Amy Starr Allen Today we said ‘Godspeed’ to our Grandpa, Great grandpa, Father, neighbor and friend. Although there were many aspects of my Grandpa’s character to aspire to, one of the things people seemed to admire most was the faith he had. My cousin Cylee told me a …

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Want Vs. Will

Wants are common, wills are rare. Countless people have dreams of better futures. The one’s who will do what it takes to make those dreams a reality, are much smaller in number. I’ve been re-reading our book of the month for May, How To Read A Book, by Mortimer Adler and came across this little …

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My Grandpa’s Superpower

One superpower of my #GrandpaFord was, he could fix anything. This is a picture of my mom, him and I in one of his large shops on his farm. He helped me sharpen our lawnmower blades as a kid… and he always had the right tools for whatever job needed to be done, hanging on …

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My Grandpa Ford Is Dying

Tears want to burst forth and fill my eyes as I write the title to this blog post. It’s true. A couple days ago I found out that my Grandpa Ford had a stroke and is now in the process of leaving this earth. I talked to him on Facetime this last Sunday and he …

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The Crucial Lists

Life can be hard, and confusing.  I don’t know that any of us are immune from this and I think at some point in time, we all struggle with some of the bigger questions in life.  ?I was listening to a clip from clinical Psychologist Jordan Peterson the other day where he was sharing his experience in working …

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Why I Started ‘My Own’ Company

I never wanted to be ‘the boss’ or ‘a boss’. That’s part of what drew me to network marketing originally.  The idea of passive income without the headache of product creation, employees, large responsibilities.. etc. But the big problem I kept running into was that long term passive income seemed to be impossible without people …

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The Truth About The News

It’s always negative. Even when things are generally positive, the news is predominantly negative. This is, in part, because most humans are attracted to train wrecks. One mentor told me this is because if our early ancestors didn’t pay attention to the unknown sound behind the tree, they could have been eaten by a tiger …

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